About Me!
An American In France

Who Am I?

I am Diane Condon-Boutier - a woman, having made a life for herself in France, post-divorce, post career change starts writing. That's me.

Has lived several lives, and rather like a cat, is hoping for a few more in hopes of getting it right.

The Road Here...

Mother of two adult daughters, admission of which dates me pretty well.

Grew up, long ago, in Michigan. Moved to Florida following love, where I finished my university studies at the University of Central Florida with a BA in foreign language education.

From there, went on an internship to France which turned into a nightmare for my loved ones in the USA, provoking a I've-fallen-in-love-with-a-French-guy-and-I'm-never-coming-back series of phone calls. This caused quite a stir and made a few people dislike me immensely, and rightly so, I must add.

Married above-mentioned French guy. Had two daughters, five gift shops, lots of stress and a divorce after 10 years.

Worked hard for the next 12 years paying off debts from afore-mentioned divorce.

Girls grow up and move about going to and quitting various schools.

Sell the last of the gift shops.

What's Next?

I have finished writing a historical novel, titled Through These Doors - The Manoir at Bout L'Abbé, about a very old home spilling the stories of its string of inhabitants across the centuries. Could seem like an unusual concept but this house has a lot to share. See below to order my book from Amazon.

Participated in a few writing competitions, resulting in the publication of a short story anthology written by 20 Goodreads authors entitled Menage-a-20; Tales With a Hook, in December 2009. Much celebration was done when the book arrived. (And you can download the free e-book here...)

And then read my author's profile here on Goodreads. This is a great site for booklovers of all sorts!

So Now What?

Well, here I am, ready to share my experiences of life in France as an American who never forgot her roots. Hoping to be helpful in planning your trip and to keep you amused along the way.

I also offer a bed and breakfast - Le Clos du Hérisson - to make your France vacation even easier! Click here to find out more about my bed and breakfast!

And now...

What else is there to say about me? Not a lot. But you'll find out more about me as you read the content of this site. My aim is to give you an insider's view of France. That would be my view, so you'll end up finding out quite alot more than necessary. As the French would say courage!

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