Diane Condon-Boutier

Diane Condon-Boutier was born in Bay City, Michigan, in 1961. Youngest daughter of a junk food factory shipping manager and a librarian, her favorite activity to this day, is reading a book while eating potato chips.

Earning a B.A. from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, in French language studies, history and culture left Diane with a penchant for long walks on sunny beaches and crazy rollercoaster rides in theme parks animated by very large mice.

Thus, it is not surprising that an internship to France aiming to perfect the art of French slang resulted in an undying love for the country itself and all things French. Diane calls Normandy her home today. She lives in the countryside outside the lovely port city of Dieppe, where she revels in a daily dose of history and the unique culture the French take for granted.

She shares a very creaky old house with a few too many spiders and two cats, sometimes harboring one or the other of her adult daughters: Rebecca and Abigail. Their home, named “Le Clos du Hérisson” or in English: “Hedgehog Close” is available for rental under a B&B basis. These rooms are mostly spider free.

Diane, the Author

Diane is also the author of several short stories, one of which was published in the Goodreads anthology “Ménage à Twenty”. Three of her stories are to be published in February 2013 through Heron Bay Books in an anthology of Michigan authors entitled “Written in the Mitten”.

Her début historical novel: “Through These Doors, the Manoir at Bout L’Abbé” tells of lives spent in her part of Normandy, from contemporary times back through the pages of history to the Middle Ages. It is the first in a series. The second volume is in the works.

You can read about how the concept for the book began here.

Diane Blogs on Producing a Children's Book

Diane wrote a blog on Goodreads about producing a children's book

You can read the blog here.

Diane can be reached here, on Facebook at Diane Condon-Boutier or by telephone in France (+6 hours EST) on +33 626 043 261.

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